Our Lab

World Class Infrastructure
Vision Rx Lab has a state-of-the art export hub in Gurgaon, located close to New Delhi International airport, which is fully dedicated to international operations.
Spread over 120,000 square feet, Vision Rx Lab Gurgaon has developed into a leading international operations facility lab. Equipped with latest cutting-edge technology in digital surfacing, coating, tinting and remote edging from Europe, the lab produces the best lenses that conform to ISO and CE standards.
The many benefits the lab offers include:

Capacity to handle a large basket of lens material such as CR-39, Polycarbonate, Trivex and Tribid, MR-8, 1.67, 1.74, Mineral etc, used as per the requirements of diverse clientele.

Capacity to handle a large number of jobs customised to meet customers’ requirements.

Sound logistics for fast and consistent delivery

Complete IT integration with its partners ensures a streamlined faster placement order process, and a live order tracking link to check the order status at any time.
With its world-class infrastructure and huge capacity, Vision Rx Lab currently exports lenses to 53 countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America. Overseas branch offices in Dubai and Canada strengthen its efficient management of exports catering to this large international market.